Mortgage Miracles Happen

September 4, 2009

Utah is offering more grants to buy houses. $8 million in housing grants

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Utah Gov. Gary Herbert says he'll use $8 million in federal stimulus funds to help kick start the state's sluggish housing market.

Herbert's office released a statement Friday saying that the state will offer $4,000 grants to 2,000 home buyers.

The program comes on the heels of one started by former Gov. Jon Huntsman, who used $10 million in stimulus funds offer $6,000 grants.

The state awarded those 1,600 grants in less than 12 weeks earlier this year.

The Utah Housing Corporation says t

he grants have led to home sales of $376.7 million, creating thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in wages.

So if you are looking to buy a home this year, now is the time to get on the ball and take action.

If you don't you're missing out on free money.